Why does packaging weight matter?
There are many factors that are important in the design of packaging. These include the stability of the material as well as the look and feel. But weight is also a relevant factor in the search for ideal packaging. In this regard, it has great advantages if the respective packaging material is very light compared to other options. The reasons for this are many and varied, including:
- the mode of transport,
- a comprehensive comfort for the customer
- as well as other important factors.
The lighter the packaging, the higher the number of pieces of the item that can be transported in a given period of time. The reason: each means of transport has a maximum load weight.

Depending on the product, differences in packaging weight can have a positive effect in this context. Perhaps the difference is not yet apparent in one or two transport routes. In the long run, efficiency can be increased to a certain extent.
This circumstance becomes apparent when comparing packaging with significant weight differences. For example, it is clear that transporting a large number of metal boxes takes more effort than if the same products were only packed in a lightweight paper sleeve.
Comfort for the customer
The lighter the packaging, the easier it is for your customers to transport and lift in everyday life. Of course, the weight of the contents always plays a role, but you can achieve a positive effect through a low packaging weight.
This is especially relevant if your customers do not have a means of transport such as their own car. For example, your customers have to carry a heavy load when the package is delivered to a packing station. A lower packaging weight can make the journey more comfortable for your customer.
Other important factors
In addition, low weight can have an advantage for sustainability. On the one hand, less material is used for the production of the packaging, which conserves resources. Furthermore, transport costs can possibly even be saved over a longer period of time.
However, in all this it should be borne in mind that it is not exclusively the weight that is important in order to benefit from these or similar advantages. The load-bearing capacity of the material is also highly relevant.
The reason: A certain material only offers an advantage if the same load capacity can be made possible with a lower weight as well as the use of fewer resources.
What is the structure of corrugated board?

One of several materials that can be used for the production of packaging is corrugated cardboard. Basically, it consists of several layers of cardboard, at least one of which is corrugated. In some cases, the material includes several layers in corrugated form at once.
The individual papers also differ in terms of their names. Smooth layers are called linerboard, while corrugated layers are called fluting paper. The corrugations in most corrugated board have the shape of a sine curve, i.e. they are very evenly shaped. The corrugated shape creates spaces within the cardboard that are filled with air.
The structure of corrugated board differs, among other things, in how many layers it consists of. Thus, there is single wall corrugated board, double wall board and even triple wall board.
In the last two variants, as you may have already guessed from the names, several corrugations lie on top of each other. The more corrugations are stacked on top of each other, the more stable the board is as a logical consequence.
The types of corrugated board can be distinguished even more minutely than exclusively on the basis of the number of layers. Rather, there is a whole range of types, whose diversity lies in smaller details.
Basic basis for categorization
The most important factors are the wave height and the wave pitch. The wave height indicates the distance between the lowest and highest point of the sine curve, and therefore also how many millimeters there are between the individual ceiling layers that are connected by means of a wave layer.
The wave division in turn describes the length between the two lowest points of the sine curve. With the abbreviations h and t there is a simple and uncomplicated way to represent the two terms in the technical language.
Shaft types, concrete designations and dimensions
The smallest flute is the mini wave or graphic wave. This type of wave includes the N-flute and the G-flute. The former has a wave height of 0.4 -0.6 mm and a wave pitch of 1.6 -1.8 mm.
Bei Zweiterer liegen die Werte bei < 0,6 mm und ≤ 1.8 mm. Die F-Welle wird ebenfalls in die Kategorie der Miniwelle eingeordnet. Ihre Wellenhöhe liegt in einem Rahmen zwischen 0,6 und 1,0 mm, ihre Wellenteilung wiederum zwischen 1,8 und 2,6 mm.
The next larger type of wave is the ultra-fine wave. It is also called microwave. Only the E-flute belongs to this type. It has a shaft height in a frame of 1.0 to 1.9 mm and a shaft pitch between 2.6 and 3.5 mm.
The D- and B-flute belong to the fine shaft. The former has a shaft height of between 1.9 and 2.2 mm and a shaft pitch of 3.5 to 4.8 mm. For the B-flute the values are between 2.2 and 3.1 mm and between 4.8 and 6.5 mm.
The C-flute is categorized as a medium wave. Its height is between 3.1 and 4.0 mm, and the pitch is again within a range of 6.5 and 7.9 mm. The A-flute is described as a coarse wave type. For them, the dimensions are between 4.0 and 5.0 mm or between 7.9 and 10.0 mm.
The largest type of wave is the Kaiser wave. Appropriately, only the K-flute belongs to this category. Its flute height is ≥ 5.0 mm, the flute pitch >10.0 mm.
![]() Roughly speaking, a distinction is made between miniwave, microwave, finewave, mediumwave, coarsewave and imperial wave. |
In addition to these types of shafts, there are also double shafts, which include, for example, EB-flute and BC-flute. The type of shaft you choose has an effect on the weight of the packaging. The bigger the shafts are, the more material is used for their production.
Accordingly, the packaging materials are heavier. In particular, the distinction between single flute corrugated board and the double flute can have an impact on packaging weight.
Why does corrugated board have advantages in terms of weight?

In addition to this distinction, corrugated board basically offers some advantages when looking at packaging weight. This is due, among other things, to its construction.
Thus, the corrugations within the cardboard save quite a bit of material. This results in the corrugated board having a lower packaging weight compared to other materials of the same thickness.
In addition, the paper layers that are converted into the finished paperboard are already fundamentally lighter than many other stable materials that could potentially be used to make packaging.
Efficiency: High load capacity with low dead weight
As already mentioned, a low packaging weight alone is not a compelling advantage. After all, your packaging must be both strong and stable to ensure that your goods reach their destination safely.
Here another advantage of corrugated board becomes clear. It not only has a low weight, but at the same time has a high stability. In this respect, corrugated board is a very efficient material. Only the stability has the consequence that the advantages of the low weight can be fully used and come to bear in everyday life.
In which industries is corrugated board with these properties particularly helpful?
The low packaging weight combined with stability makes corrugated board a material that is particularly popular and in demand in certain sectors. These include, above all, the online and mail-order trade.
Here, the low packaging weight can enable more efficient transport. At the same time, the stability of the cardboard guarantees that it will not be damaged by shocks or vibrations on the way. Accordingly, many shipping boxes are made of corrugated board - the model is common and has proven itself.
Of course, there are many factors involved in the fundamental success of e-commerce. However, a look at the most successful sectors in online retailing as determined by the German Retail Association (HDE) also shows that it is precisely these sectors that prefer to use corrugated cardboard boxes for shipping.
The CE/electronics sector is in first place, closely followed by the fashion sector. Other segments with high sales figures are Leisure & Hobby and Home & Furnishings.
![]() For an exchange of information and individual help in finding your perfect packaging, feel free to contact us! |
Packaging weight is relevant for several reasons. On the one hand, a low weight can achieve greater efficiency in transport, and on top of that, it increases the comfort for your customers.
Corrugated board has extremely positive properties with a view to the weight of packaging: The material used and the construction make it particularly light. At the same time, it offers a high degree of stability. These properties can be used especially in the mail order business, which is why many shipping packages are made of corrugated board.
Looking at packaging weight, how does corrugated board compare to other materials?
Corrugated board is significantly lighter than other packaging materials. This is mainly due to its construction.
What does the specific packaging weight depend on for corrugated packaging materials?
Apart from the size of the packaging, the type of corrugated board used plays a role. It depends on whether the corrugated board is single flute or double flute. In addition, the concrete flute height and flute pitch have a significance.