Is plastic packaging particularly harmful to the environment or even completely superfluous? We want to get to the bottom of this question in our fact check. Because generally speaking, plastic packaging is still considered a major burden on the environment.
What our research has revealed will probably interest you as much as positively surprise you.
Let's get one thing straight: Our fact check has shown that plastic packaging generally has a worse reputation than it actually does.
We don't want to keep you "in suspense" any longer - let's get to the facts!
Many consumers believe that plastic packaging is superfluous

Plastic packaging is important for the shelf life and protection of food.
Many consumers are actually under this misapprehension. They believe that plastic packaging is completely superfluous for many products that can be purchased in supermarkets, for example. But this is not correct.
There are numerous products - foodstuffs, for example - for which plastic packaging is indispensable.
- Packaging protects the goods inside. Meat and vegetables are preserved much longer in plastic packaging.
- Plastic packaging has an impact on the climate when it comes to meat, for example. This is because a lot of CO2 is produced during meat production. The longer the shelf life of the meat, the less ends up in the waste.
- Fruits and vegetables packaged in plastic also have a longer shelf life. Even tofu benefits in the same way by plastic packaging.
Thus, plastic packaging in the food industry segment fulfills an important aspect, which in turn also has an impact on sustainability.
But even non-food products cannot do without plastic packaging - items such as laptops or smartphones need protection. Here, product protection is also climate protection.
If a device breaks during transport, it has to be replaced. The production of a replacement device, in turn, requires numerous resources that can be saved if a product is packaged in an appropriately protective manner.
Plastic packaging causes a lot of waste - Is that really the case?
Another widespread prejudice is the belief that plastic packaging increases waste mountains ad infinitum. But this is not a fact either.

Thus, in Germany and also some other countries within Europe, there are corresponding waste return systems. For example, the yellow bag was introduced for the disposal of plastic packaging. Plastic packaging is collected in this bag - separately from the rest of the waste - and collected free of charge by regional waste management companies.
After collection, the plastic packaging can be easily recycled, and processed into new products. Thus, even in this segment, plastic packaging is more environmentally friendly than polluting.
How is plastic packaging recycled?
Despite the return system for plastic packaging, many consumers still believe that the plastic is not recycled. Instead, they believe that this packaging is incinerated along with other waste.
In case you have shared the same opinion so far, you might be interested in the following facts:
Because in fact, it is only the plastic packaging that is too dirty that is incinerated.
This means that more than 50 percent of plastic packaging is recycled. Even the heavily soiled portion can be reused, as it is thermally recycled. This turns it into district heating. With which you can then - instead of oil - heat the apartment.
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bio-based |
recyclable |
Biodegradable |
Packaging made of plastic is biobased. Packaging that only has to consist of a certain percentage of renewable raw materials counts as a biobased product. |
Plastic packaging is recyclable. After recycling, they are made into new products or used to generate district heating. |
Packaging made from plastic is biodegradable. They are therefore not a burden on the climate or the environment. |
The oceans are full of plastic waste - and that despite recycling plastic packaging
The pollution of the oceans with plastic waste is undeniable. Through established disposal systems, countries like Germany are making an important contribution to preventing the situation from getting any worse.
In contrast, poor waste management is the main cause of plastic entering the environment or the oceans. According to a study by the OECD (Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development), this accounts for 82 percent.
In Germany and other European countries, the collection, disposal and further processing of waste is financed by license fees from companies that sell packaged goods.
This is not the case in many other countries: Here, there is simply a lack of funds and legal requirements for good waste separation and waste return systems. As a result, waste accumulates and ends up in the sea via rivers. This is mainly the case in Asia, but also in Turkey and Italy, for example.
Another problem: Many ship crews dispose of their waste in the sea instead of handing it in at the ports. Thus, fishing also contributes to the littering of the waters.
The question of what can be done about this is a very big challenge. Because the fact is that the oceans have a very strong impact on the global climate and therefore the protection of the world's oceans is a very important matter.
Basically, Germany is setting a positive example in the area of environmental protection. Some countries that belong to the EU are partly following these steps.
Basically, the issue of recycling and environmental protection should be taken very strictly and regulated worldwide.
![]() We are happy to support anyone who would like to take up this issue and becomeactively involved in environmental and climate protection themselves . Therefore we also educateour customers with regard to sustainability of our products. |
Resource killer plastic packaging - fact or fail?
Mistakenly, many consumers still believe that plastic packaging consumes a lot of resources. They mostly refer to the consumption of petroleum, which is used for the production of plastic packaging.
They do not consider the fact that this share is very small in comparison to other areas of daily life.
Overall, around 90 percent of oil is used in other areas:
- For heating
- for energy
- to meet the demand for road transport.
For plastic packaging, the share is low at around 1.5 percent of total demand.
It should also be added that significant progress has been made in the development of plastic packaging. One example is the weight of plastic packaging, which has been significantly reduced. This results in another important step in the direction of conserving resources and sustainable management.
As you can see, plastic as a "resource killer" is actually misinformation that has persisted over the years. Plastic packaging, on the other hand, tends to be more resource-friendly in this day and age, and is also recyclable and reusable.
Conclusion - plastic packaging is not only indispensable, but also sustainable!
Overall, it can be said that plastic packaging plays an important role in the packaging industry. They are needed in the non-food segment as well as in the food industry.
First and foremost, they protect goods: foodstuffs are given an increased shelf life in plastic packaging - in the case of technical equipment, this prevents defects.
They also have various attributes that make them environmentally friendly and resource-saving packaging.

Both have a positive impact on climate protection and resource conservation. At the same time, fewer raw materials are consumed that would otherwise be needed for repair or new production of a replacement device.
On closer inspection, therefore, the reputation of plastic packaging as being harmful to the environment turns out to be a misconception. Because in Germany, plastic packaging is recycled and reused. Even the plastic packaging that is incinerated is used to generate district heating.
Thus, in conclusion, it can be said that plastic packaging can certainly be considered and used as sustainable packaging.
Question: The world's oceans are heavily polluted and species are threatened. Why does so much plastic packaging end up in the sea?
Answer: Much of the plastic packaging pollution is caused by countries that do not have good waste management. Mainly due to financial reasons, the infrastructure for waste disposal and recycling is lacking here. In addition, many fishing vessels dispose of their waste in the sea in a prohibited manner.
Question: Is plastic packaging recyclable?
Answer: Yes, if plastic packaging is disposed of separately from the rest of the waste in the yellow bag, it is recyclable.
Question: Is all plastic packaging recycled and reprocessed into a new product?
Answer: No, only the plastic packaging that is not too dirty is recycled and reprocessed. This accounts for about 50 percent of all plastic packaging disposed of in the yellow bag.
Question: What happens to the plastic packaging that is too dirty?
Answer: Even this packaging is put to good use. Because they are incinerated and used to generate district heating.
Question: Why is waste management so well regulated in Germany and some European countries?
Answer: In Germany, companies that sell packaged goods pay a license fee. This in turn finances the German waste management system, which regulates the collection and further processing of the waste. In addition, a lot of emphasis is placed on the correct separation of waste, which simplifies further processing.