The challenges, combined with the annual increase in the amount of waste generated by packaging materials, require new solutions.

The new EU regulation represents a new package of measures - it specifies numerous changes, all of which are to be implemented by 2030.

The standards are set high, which is why it is already important to use optimal packaging in the B2B and B2C sectors. This also applies to flexible packaging.

In this article, we'll take a closer look at what this term actually means and how flexible packaging can have a positive impact on the environment.

Flexible packaging - what is it actually?

Bag packaging food
Flexible packaging not only saves material,
it also guarantees food protection.

Flexible packaging is used in a wide variety of areas and you will encounter it in numerous designs in every supermarket. Their task is to overcome various challenges, as they have to adapt (flexibly) to the demands of numerous products.

Their name says it all - because the flexibility of this type of packaging refers primarily to the adaptability in terms of size to the product to be packaged. This not only saves on packaging material, products can also be stored in a space-saving manner.

Flexible packaging is used for the following areas:

  1. As primary packaging for food.
  2. In use for non-food products.

In addition, flexible packaging is also used to protect pet food, pharmaceutical medical products, and household and personal care products from external influences.

Infographic: GMP standards in packaging production


What is flexible packaging made of?

Very often flexible packaging is made of aluminum, plastic or paper. In this case, the packaging is made either from just one material or from a combination of different materials. It all depends on which composition is best suited for the product in question.

In the following, we will show you why flexible packaging is particularly sustainable by taking a closer look at the individual materials used in its manufacture.

Why is flexible packaging considered particularly sustainable?

As you already know, flexible packaging is made of aluminum, paper or plastic (or a combination of materials). Before we go into the properties of each material, let's first examine the positive features of their flexibility in terms of sustainability.

Symbol image: sloth

The first reason why this type of packaging is sustainable is because of its flexible packaging size - it adapts perfectly to the product, so no materials are wasted.

This can also save food: This is because it is possible to produce a package in such a way that exactly the required portion of a foodstuff finds space and protection in it. In this way, food waste is prevented and food is prevented from possibly ending up as waste in the trash can.

When it comes to the economical use of food, the packaging materials used are also crucial, which we will now take a closer look at, always keeping the following question in mind: What makes these materials sustainable?


Aluminum packaging safely protects against hydrogen, UV rays and oxygen. In addition, the aluminum tube provides protection against the penetration of impurities. It is therefore ideal for packaging creams in a tube, for example.

Of course, not only the tube offers this protection, but all packaging made of aluminum. In addition, each product benefits from a longer shelf life.

However, its production is accompanied by environmental pollution. In addition, it is basically recyclable, but recycling is a complex and immature process.


While plastic was long considered a pure environmental sin, nowadays, thanks to various regulations in the Packaging Act, flexible packaging can be produced that can also keep up in terms of sustainability.

This is because plastic packaging must meet very high standards if it is to be allowed to be used as flexible packaging. These are becoming even more stringent in the wake of the new EU regulation, which specifically targets plastic packaging.

One aspect in favor of this material is also its ability to be recycled: plastic can be recycled several times. In addition, in the future, the new regulatory measures will require that only plastic packaging with at least a proportion of recycled materials be available.

This means that a sustainability aspect can clearly be attributed to this material: The production of flexible packaging made of plastic contributes to the careful use of resources.


This material is anyway considered particularly environmentally friendly. It will be made exclusively from recycled materials and virgin fibers (with a very small amount of wood or grass). This means that, in theory, paper can be easily recycled and reused.

Symbol image: palm tree

In practice, this is unfortunately only true to a limited extent. According to the Federal Environment Agency, global material cycles and the many recycling cycles can lead to the accumulation of chemicals that contaminate the recovered paper.

Flexible packaging made solely of paper is - also theoretically - biodegradable and compostable. However, "biodegradable" simply means that the materials decompose over an indefinite period of time. Because of the possible contamination by chemicals mentioned above, however, this is not necessarily environmentally friendly. The same applies to compostability.

In addition to the properties of these materials mentioned so far, there are other aspects that all three have in common as resource-saving packaging, because care is taken in their processing:

    • Low generation of pollutants and CO2.
    • Minimal use of mineral and fossil raw materials.
    • Low power consumption and low generation of waste water.

As you can see, numerous criteria must first be met for flexible packaging to be recognized as sustainable. It is therefore not only the material used for the manufacturing process that is decisive, but the entire procedure surrounding production. Because here, too, the following applies: as few resources as possible must be consumed.




Flexible packaging is often made from bio-based materials.

Flexible packaging is recyclable and often recyclable due to the material used in its manufacture.

Flexible packaging made of paper is biodegradable and, if necessary, compostable.

Flexible packaging - the advantages at a glance

Palamo flexible packaging
Sustainable, robust and lightweight: these are the core advantages of flexible packaging.

The advantages of flexible packaging are definitely undeniable: Nowadays, they fulfill numerous criteria that were unthinkable 50 years ago.

One important point is sustainability. In principle, flexible packaging reduces food waste and material resources. Among other things, because they can be tailored precisely to the product quantities and - depending on the material - keep food longer.

The materials themselves used to manufacture the packaging also contribute to sustainability. In the case of plastic, this relates primarily to recyclability. With paper, it is primarily the production from recycled material.


Particularly sustainable packaging materials are therefore those that are readily recyclable and can be reprocessed into another product after the recycling process.

Modern, flexible packaging is also designed in such a way that it does not waste any raw materials due to its adaptability to the product size. This results in significantly less waste - whether from the packaging itself or from the product packed in it, which can be optimally portioned as needed, as in the case of food.

Conclusion - flexible packaging is on the rise in B2B and B2C!

Let's keep in mind once again: flexible packaging can be used as packaging for shipping as well as for packaging food and non-food products.

Due to increasingly stringent criteria for the packaging industry in terms of manufacturing processes and materials used, flexible packaging will be seen as a benchmark for sustainable packaging in the future.

In addition, the benefits of flexible packaging form very important pillars for climate and resource protection: they are either made from renewable raw materials or from materials that can be recycled and reused - thus saving resources and materials.

In addition, flexible packaging is a very economical product overall, since only the packaging material that is actually needed is used.

Considering how much waste is produced each year, the added value of flexible packaging is clear and its sustainability aspect cannot be denied.

It may be that packaging in itself does not solve all the challenges of environmental protection, but it is a step in the right direction when it comes to using resources consciously and reducing the amount of waste in the long term.


Question: Which foods can be packaged safely and sustainably in flexible packaging?
Answer: Almost all foods can be packaged in flexible packaging. It is simply a matter of selecting the appropriate material.

Question: Does flexible packaging really come in any size?
Answer: Yes, because flexible packaging is made according to the customer's specification.

Question: Can flexible packaging be printed individually?
Answer: Depending on the material from which the flexible packaging is made, it can be printed according to the specification. However, some materials are more suitable for labeling.

Question: What kind of flexible packaging is currently available on the German market?
Answer: Flexible packaging can be a can, a tube, a cardboard box or a small portion tray, e.g. for a microwave dish. Shipping cartons can also be made as flexible packaging.


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